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How Fixing Your Teeth Can Fix Your Face

Did you know that your smile is your most important feature? A smile conveys confidence, professionalism but the very act of smiling in itself can boost your immune system and your physical health. When someone smiles at you, it reduces your stress level and makes you feel welcome and more relaxed. Last but not least, “a smile speaks a thousand words,” they say, and it is contagious.

Now that you know, would you want to go through life hiding it because of chipped or missing pieces, ugly fillings, or discolored teeth that are unveiled when parting your lips? But there is more to it than that. We probably don’t associate loss of tooth structure with the aging we see in the mirror, but we should.

The true benefits of cosmetic dentistry

Viewed from a medical perspective – explains dr. Giovanna Di Prima “your natural teeth protect your jawbone and support the shape of your lips and the lower portion of your face. When you lose teeth, your bone shrinks and thus causes those supporting muscles to sag. In the first year after tooth extraction, 25% of bone is lost, and this bone loss continues on.

Moreover, smiles lose volume because the teeth get flatter and shorter due to the regular wear of chewing, the grinding and clenching, and shorter teeth mean a shorter face and a collapsed bite. As a result, you may look older than you are.”

How fixing your teeth can fix your face
Dr. Giovanna di Prima, Advance Dental Institute

Here, Dr. Giovanna Di Prima walks us through how fixing the teeth can improve the face.

“A full complement of healthy white teeth can subtract years from a face. Although every set of teeth is unique, we can now manipulate the size, shape, and arrangement of teeth thanks to modern orthodontic techniques and custom smile design. Invisalign clear aligners are used to move teeth forward, broadening a smile that has narrowed over time.

Tooth height is corrected by shape and height restorations. Invisalign can correct the vertical part of the issue too. Veneers and teeth whitening are common treatments available through cosmetic dentistry for those looking for a new and improved smile and a boost to their oral health. People are often not aware of how a reconstruction of their bite can transform their facial features and even subtract years from their face.”

I was such a patient. I saw my smile as collapsed. My side teeth were worn down on one side more than the other side due to a combination of dental trauma and genetic factors. I started to look off-kilter but had no idea how to fix it or whether it could even be fixed at all until I met the doctors at Advance Dental Institute. I had to rebuild for the sake of both function and aesthetics. My plan involved regenerative and reconstructive bone and gum surgeries and the skilled teamwork of dr. Aronna and dr. Di Prima so my mouth could accommodate my new teeth and bite. I didn’t really know what was missing until all the work was done. It was a very long, drawn out process, but it was worth it, I could not be happier with the results.

How fixing your teeth can fix your face
Dr Nicolás Aronna and Dr. Giovanna di Prima

And while preventive care remains the best way to protect your oral health and retain your youthful looks, when you need work tailored to your condition, face, and aesthetic, excellence does not get better than Advance Dental Institute.

Read also our article: Invisalign 3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist

ADVANCE Dental Institute

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, Advance Dental Institute offers services and procedures that encompass the entire range of dental treatments, from Implant Dentistry, Bone Regeneration to Orthodontics and Cosmetic Dentistry. The clinic is also the only official Regenerative Medicine center in Mallorca to perform dental treatments with the application of Endoret® PRGF (Platelet Rich Growth Factor) periodontal laser therapy. They are internationally Certified Members of DIGITAL SMILE DESIGN, a revolutionary system that will allow you to see the potential of a beautiful smile before you start treatment. The surgeons are graduates from the prestigious New York University, a leading institute in restorative aesthetic dentistry. Their treatment plans are based on an accurate diagnosis and offer long-term success on functional and aesthetic levels.

Advanced Dental Institute is headed by internationally experienced Dr. Nicolás Aronna Mallia. With a most successful track record of over 3000 implants, he is recognized as one of the best in his field.

To know more about the clinic’s procedures, or book a consultation, contact:


Carrer Ginesta 1

Bendinat, Calvia

T 871 53 56 10

how fixing your teeth can fix your face


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