Thule backpacks carry everyday items or outdoor gear safely and securely. Check out our favorite items for men and women with smart features.
- 420D Dobby polyester, 600D polyester
- Imported
- A conveniently-sized, carry-on adventure travel backpack
- SafeZone compartment protects a phone, sunglasses and small valuables
- Hidden CashStash pocket keeps a passport and money safe
- Innovative LoopLocks secure zipper pulls to the bag to deter theft
- 15″ MacBook and 12.9″ tablet storage
- Built in sternum strap whistle
- Contoured shoulder straps and hip belt tuck away when not in use
- Large zippered side pocket securely stores a water bottle
- External lash points to attach a carbiner
- Dimensions: 9.8 x 13 x 21.5 inches; Weight: 3.17 lbs